CAC – Community Advisory Council

CAC Chair: Sara Hoover

CAC Meetings are open to the public, with the exception of one meeting per quarter which is held for voting members only. See Upcoming Meeting Details to the right for more information.

Submit oral or written comments to the CAC by:

  • Attending a CAC meeting and speak during the Public Comment section in Announcements and Introductions.

  • Sending an email to either the CAC Chair or CAC Coordinator using the links above


The Community Advisory Council (CAC) is chartered by the Columbia Gorge Health Council (CGHC) Governance Board to advise and make recommendations on the strategic direction of the organization.

Community Advisory Council (CAC) Mission: We identify needs, barriers, and opportunities in the Columbia Gorge. At the same time, we advocate for solutions that support health and well-being in the region.

CAC Vision: We envision a region of communities where all people enjoy improved health through equitable access to and engagement with coordinated resources.

CAC Values:

~ Engage

~ Collaborate

~ Be transparent

~ Be inclusive

~ Ensure equity

~ Ensure diversity

~ Empower

Specifically, the CAC will:

  • Provide tangible member feedback on Columbia Gorge CCO services and programs

  • Be available for organizations seeking member input on program and process designs

  • Identify topics of concern from the Community Health Assessment

  • Amplify the impact of agencies and healthcare providers by convening all participants on specific focus areas.

  • Improve community integration by connecting organizations


Upcoming CAC Meeting details


CAC Membership Applications


CAC Demographic Survey


CAC Meeting Minutes

Previous 12 months


Apr 22 CAC Meeting Minutes - ENGLISH|SPANISH

Mar 18 CAC Meeting Minutes - ENGLISH|SPANISH

Feb 26 CAC Meeting Minutes - ENGLISH|SPANISH

Jan 22 CAC Meeting Minutes - ENGLISH|SPANISH


Dec 18 CAC Meeting Minutes - ENGLISH|SPANISH

Nov 27 CAC Meeting Minutes - ENGLISH|SPANISH

Oct 23 CAC Meeting Minutes - ENGLISH|SPANISH

Sep 25 CAC Meeting Minutes - ENGLISH|SPANISH

Aug 28 CAC Meeting Minutes - ENGLISH|SPANISH

Jul - No Meeting

Jun 26 CAC Meeting Minutes ENGLISH|SPANISH

May 22 CAC Meeting Minutes ENGLISH|SPANISH

Community Advisory Council Videos